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JIC Weekend Roundup - Poor start to September - it often is!



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Great comments from you as usual - and I like the opening up of comments, even if only weekly or monthly.

I am using this low in the BRWM Trust to top-up. I am hoping that within the next few months it will revert. I have sold out of all of my individual commodity holdings as I find it too painful to see them having major corrections, so will outsource this area of my PF to a very good professional IT team.

Regretting not selling out of SQZ on many occasions over the last couple of years, but may as well stick with it now.............heres hoping.

All the best. K


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thanks for opening up comments , will make it much more interactive !

Would you agree that the underperformance of the portfolio in the last couple of years relates to exposure to commodities , and do you ever refer to any research / literature to reaffirm your long term conviction in commodities ?

Really enjoy reading your diary ; and I agree with below comment about reviewing the state of play of all the holdings in your portfolio.

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Thanks for the feedback.

My commodity exposure hasn't been helpful since the autumn of 2022, when prices that had been driven up by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, started to come off. Then China has been disappointing, which has meant copper prices have not yet started to benefit from the energy transition. Although, it was only a few months back that copper was at record prices. It is not just the extent of my commodity exposure that has hurt over the last couple of years - the stcok selection has not been great. If I'd swapped Serica for Shell or BP in October 2022, things would have looked a lot better.

If at the top of the dairy page, if…


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I’ve challenged by myself not to bring up the wilful destruction of the North Sea oil and gas industry so I won’t.

Joking aside, your blog is enjoyable and at times it’s great to have a dose of ‘keep calm and carry on’. So thank you for that.


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Painful week - will you be writing an updated view on Serica next week?

Where do you see the greatest opportunities in your portfolio at today’s prices?

I always really like your portfolio reviews where you go through each share and summarise how you see it today.

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I will try and find time next week to do the Portfolio Review. I’ve not done it for some time and it does help clarify one’s thoughts. JR


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Well I would say that, wouldn't I!

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