Bloomsbury Publishing - Outstanding H1 results
Current thoughts on my positions: Part I (stocks 1 - 6)
JIC Portfolio Trades: Trimmed a position and added to another
Bloomsbury Publishing - Trading update
Bloomsbury Publishing - "Rising- Review-Price" Review
Bloomsbury Publishing - Sensible acqusition of North American academic publishing business
Bloomsbury Publishing - Tremendous results, including a 25% dividend increase.
Bloomsbury - Rising Price Review
Bloomsbury - Excellent year-end trading update
JIC Portfolio Trades - Four positions were reduced to provide cash for three new positions
Bloomsbury Publishing - Unscheduled and welcome trading update
Bloomsbury Publishing - H1 Results - Solid
Bloomsbury Publishing - A solid start to 2023/24
Current thoughts on my positions - Part I
Bloomsbury - Results and dividend higher than expected
Bloomsbury Publishing - Upgrades after a robust second half
Five trades in JIC Portfolio - Tidying up and rejigging! Forecast dividend income increases
JIC Portfolio Trade - added to existing position
JIC Portfolio Trades - An old position added back, funded by the complete sale of another position